Posts tagged Race
Lessons in Popular Culture: Racialization and Disney's Zootopia

During the final weeks of the Popular Culture and Communication course that I teach, we focus our attention on (1) different topics or areas of research that are undertaken in the field of popular culture studies and (2) the effects of popular culture. In particular, we examine how popular culture - and the repeated exposure to certain messages or themes in the media - influences our perceptions of ourselves and of others, and therefore our identities and behaviour.

When building the syllabus for this course, I try to take into account emerging research and trends in the field of popular culture, what’s happening in the world, and what students are interested in learning about. One of the topics that we look at is race, racialization and the representation of the police (the police state and police violence). This is explored through a reading called “It’s Called a Hustle, Sweetheart”: Black Lives Matter, the Police State, and the Politics of Colonizing Anger in Zootopia” written by Jennifer Sandlin and Nathan Snaza and published in 2018 in the Journal of Popular Culture.

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The Place of Race in the Urban Action Film (Part I) - Lessons in Popular Culture Continued

If you know me at all, you won’t be surprised to learn that I’ve incorporated a lesson about the franchise into my Popular Culture course. Any excuse to ogle pictures of the Rock and Vin Diesel and call it course prep…

I’m kidding, but the series merits serious academic study. In 2015, as the franchise was gearing up to release its seventh instalment in theatres, it was the ninth-highest-grossing film series of all time with a combined gross of over $5 billion. Since then, two additional films have been released - Fast 8: The Fate of the Furious, released in 2017, grossed over $1.2 billion worldwide and the 2019 spin-off, Hobbes & Shaw made over $760 million worldwide. That’s a lot of money…

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