PRofessional Experience
“If you do what you love, you’ll never work a day in your life” - Marc Anthony
This quote truly sums up how I approach my professional life.
I’ve been very fortunate to have had a variety of employment experiences - I’ve worked in the federal government, the private sector, on Parliament Hill, and for several International Organizations - and work is an important part of my life. I only 'work' in areas and positions that I love and that allow me to make a meaningful contribution to the world around me.
My work as an educator
As a Contract Faculty Member (Wilfrid Laurier University, 2022 to present) and Part-Time Professor (University of Ottawa, 2018 to present), I teach classes in research, media studies, policy development and legal studies. I have experience teaching both compulsory courses and electives at the undergraduate level, in a variety of formats (in-person, virtual, and bi-modal).
I also teach professional development courses and fitness classes. In particular, I have been teaching indoor cycling classes since June 2016 to riders ranging from beginners to experienced triathletes as well as running-related classes since 2011.
my work as an advocate
As the President and Chair of the Board of Directors of a local not-for-profit sports organization, I work to ensure that our organization has a solid foundation rooted in good governance, community engagement and strong safe sport policies.
In addition, I also contribute to the work of other sports organizations at the provincial, and national level, providing expertise and advice in communications and policy development.
Photo by Markus Spiske on Unsplash
my work as a researcher
My research interests centre around explaining complex phenomenon using relatable concepts and constructs. The projects that I explore are interdisciplinary in nature, bridging multiple disciplines including media studies, health communication, law and public policy, and identity studies.
I am currently working on the following projects:
A book proposal on the topic of challenging and changing perceptions of the process of stigma through storytelling and metaphors;
A review of scholarly and non-scholarly literature on harassment, violence and misconduct in sport