Posts tagged Pandemic
End of Summer Update: Because It's Been a Minute

WOW! Is it almost the middle of September already? I can’t believe how quickly the summer went by. Before diving into some substantial content - I’ve been quiet for a while because I’ve been working on some big projects - I thought I’d take the time to give a bit of an update on what’s new and exciting.

Read on to hear about what’s been happening on the academic, professional and personal front, and to see what I have planned for the coming academic year!

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Monsters, Monsters Everywhere - Lessons in Popular Culture Continued

Not surprisingly, one of my favourite topics in Popular Culture is monsters, and in particular zombies. Zombies are everywhere - Netflix, movie theatres, video games, books, comics. I even watched The Cured, a 2017 Irish horror film about reintegrating zombies into society after a plague swept across Europe, to celebrate St. Patrick’s Day this week while I was in self-isolation… during a global, viral pandemic… that has swept its way across several continents… um, sh*t didn’t that happen in World War Z? Or was it I Am Legend? Or The Walking Dead?

Just kidding! But the similarities are eery, don’t you think? Read on for more

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