Posts in Conferences/Presentations
2020... Year in Review

Ah, 2020… it’s certainly been a year like no other. The pandemic has impacted many of us to an unprecedented and unexpected degree - personally, professionally, financially, psychologically - and I know that many people reading this are keen to see 2020 head out the door, but I think if we each took some time to reflect, we’d see that 2020 hasn’t been all bad news.

So, in the spirit of the New Year, I thought I’d take a moment and reflect on some of the big things that I’ve accomplished this year (and I hope that, if you haven’t done so already, this will inspire you to do the same).

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End of Summer Update: Because It's Been a Minute

WOW! Is it almost the middle of September already? I can’t believe how quickly the summer went by. Before diving into some substantial content - I’ve been quiet for a while because I’ve been working on some big projects - I thought I’d take the time to give a bit of an update on what’s new and exciting.

Read on to hear about what’s been happening on the academic, professional and personal front, and to see what I have planned for the coming academic year!

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Just the Right "Temperature": Measuring the Success of Dancehall Icon Sean Paul

A few weeks ago, I presented some of my ongoing research at the the 15th Annual Communication Graduate Caucus (CGC) Conference at Carleton University. Under the theme of “Beyond Boundaries”, the conference sought to explore the ways that communication and media cross social, political, technical, and cultural boundaries. My research project advocates for a move beyond the purely quantitative metrics for assessing success in the music industry, and considered the longevity of Sean Paul’s career, his performances, his collaborations, the frequency with which he releases new songs, his lyrical relevance, his social media following and interventions, and his general recognizability. My presentation at the CGC Conference focused on one aspect of this research project - Sean Paul’s collaborations.

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Taking an Entrepreneurial Approach to your Academic and Professional Career

The workshop, “Taking an entrepreneurial approach to your academic and professional career” , aimed to get participants thinking about how to differentiate themselves in today’s workforce - whether it be as graduate students, academics, or future communications professionals. With countless online and offline options for networking, a pressing concern in the workforce about underemployment and a lack of job opportunities for Ph.D students, it’s not surprising that this topic has also been addressed recently by the University of Ottawa’s Graduate Students’ Association (GSAED) - see below - and was highlighted at the APTPUO’s (in)visible conference last Fall on a Panel entitled “PhD Students Confront a Challenging Future”.

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