Posts tagged television studies
How might television negatively affect democracy, politics, and government policy in the aftermath of 9/11 in the United States of America?

On September 11, 2001, two hijacked planes crashed into the North and South towers of the World Trade Center in New York City. A third plane crashed into the Pentagon in Washington, D.C., and a fourth crash-landed in a field in Pennsylvania. The World Trade Center towers, affectionately known as the Twin Towers, collapsed mere hours after impact. Two years after this tragic event occurred, CNN’s Phil Hirschkorn (2003) noted that the revised death toll of September 11 totalled 2,752 individuals, not including the 10 hijackers who crashed the airplanes.

The purpose of this essay is to determine how television might negatively affect democracy, politics, and government policy in the United States of America following the terror attacks of 9/11. In order to do so, this study begins by briefly examining the development of television technology and the origins of political broadcasting in the United States. This is followed by a discussion of theories on the negative effects of television news media on interpersonal trust, political trust, and policy support. After examining the effects of varying media forms, this essay shifts its focus to a post-9/11 evaluation of news media in the United States in order to examine the degree of influence that the media may have had on government policies, political attitudes, and public opinion. The essay concludes by discussing potential future impacts of information communication technologies on democracy, politics, and government.

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Propaganda and the American Military Establishment: How Television Influences Attitudes, Behaviours and Perceptions

I’ve been digging through my own archives to find papers that I wrote during law school, my master’s degree and my undergraduate studies. It’s been a useful exercise that has allowed me to get back in touch with some of my earlier research interests - yes, there is a trend - as well as to reflect on the evolution of my writing.

It is therefore with great pleasure that I finally publish this paper from my master’s degree, submitted in January 2010, entitled Propaganda and the American Military Establishment: How Television Influences Attitudes, Behaviours and Perceptions.

The purpose of this paper is to examine propaganda, in particular wartime propaganda, in a post-9/11 context in order to understand the complex role that television plays as a tool of social control and mass persuasion. In doing so, this paper begins with an in-depth study of propaganda which explores the target audience and scope of propagandistic campaigns, the functions and objectives of propaganda, and, finally, the techniques and features employed in such campaigns. In order to distinguish between propaganda and other forms of promotional discourse, a discussion on the ethics of propaganda is conducted.

Finally, a case study focusing on the television series 24 is conducted to illustrate how patriotic and idealistic images can be used to mobilize support for the American military establishment and its strategic operations, including the acceptance of morally questionable conduct. This case study demonstrates the influential role that television can play in the context of wartime operations by encouraging support for the military and law enforcement agencies.

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