ABOUT Werewolves, Zombies AND Vampires


ECMP: Werewolves, Zombies and Vampires: Exploring the Use of Metaphors in Movies, TV and Books

An elective course for students in Grades 8 - 11 offered by the Enrichment Mini-Courses Program, University of Ottawa. 5 days.

Monsters, in various shapes and forms, have always been part of popular culture. They can signal that someone or something is morally reprehensible, or culturally and socially unacceptable. On the other hand, monsters challenge social and cultural taboos by allowing characters to take on and test out alternative identities.

Monster stories separate the world in to two groups – us versus them, human versus monster. This course explores how the treatment of monsters in popular culture can teach us about how difference is treated in society.

may 2019